Be an advocate for the employers, using our experience to represent their interests to the healthcare marketplace ethically and aggressively.
Our vision is to be a premier provider of health plan solutions through our people, ideas and innovation. We will form partnerships with our employers, plan members, providers and insurers to implement health plans from which everyone benefits and affording the best chance to effectively manage and control costs. We will grow our business through satisfied customers sharing their experience with others.
Being an advocate means always working towards the best interest of the client. This does not always mean the cheapest option. This does not always mean using a particular company. This means that we MUST understand the needs of the employer, be able to present those needs clearly and use ALL of our resources in an effort to achieve a solution that meets those needs. Though we represent the employer as our main client, we must approach all this professionally, honestly and ethically so as to maintain the respect of the payers, the providers and the competition.